Wednesday 26 September 2012

Modelling and then texturing a table/desk

Started texturing in 3Ds Max. Made a table and textured it using the methods shown in the morning.
Started the table off using just a box with 4x4 edges. Applied editable poly to the box and moved the vertices to the corners to make a square polygon in each corner, this was done for the legs. The corner polygons were extruded and edited to create the legs for the table. 
To apply the texture I found a beach wood texture on the internet and then inserted it into the material editor. The specular colour and glossiness were edited to give the texture a bit of shine. For the legs I applied the standard material and edited the glossiness and specular colour to give it the grey/black metalic look.  

Modelling a pick up truck

Started modelling a pick up truck with dale allen yesterday
The pick up truck was modelled using the box modelling method. This was done by inserting blueprints onto planes. The blueprints were then aligned using the axis.
After setting up the blueprints we then created a simple box. The box was then converted to editable poly via the quad menu. Pressing 'Alt' and 'X' on the keyboard made the box transparent. This is done so that the box is visible as well as the blueprint behind it. To create the pick up truck we edited the vertices and moved them according to the blueprint. Doing this gave us the basic shape of the pick up truck.