Wednesday 3 October 2012

UVW Unwrap

Here I used Unwrap UVW to texture this milk carton. The model and texture were already given to me. First of all I applied the Unwrap UVW modifier to the milk carton and then on the Unwrap UVW modifier panel I opened the UV Editor. In the UV Editor I opened up the milk carton texture and then selected one whole side of the milk carton. Selecting the one whole side also showed my selection in the UV Editor. I placed the selection from the UV Editor ontop of the texture as the image above shows and rescaled it to fit one side of the unwrapped texture. When I did this for the next side I welded the vertical vertices of both milk carton sides together, doing this joined the seams. I used this method to texture the whole milk carton.
Render of the milk carton
Quick screenshot of a head unwrapped

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